Friday, November 12, 2010

Toda Lighweight pulley kit for S2000

What we want is reliable power and response

The new product from TODA Racing, Light-Weight Crank Pulley kit has arrived. There is a lot of after-market product for this item, which also has a lot questions about its effect but if you are thinking of purchasing it we thought of why not choose from TODA Racing which makes the engines for our ASM S2000 cars. We manage to get 6 sets out from the first 20slots.

Like how TODAY makes their engines, they have design not only increasing the power but reducing the strain on the engine, reliability and durability. About the increased power that TODA Racing tested was an additional 8bhp. it was easy to increase 10bhp but thinking about the summer hot conditions or in traffic, to help ease the car batteries we have chosen this proportion for the pulley. With the hexagonal front shaped makes it easy to change the Crank Pulley. For the material we have chosen a used for the crank lip seal is has the has high confidentiality, reliability, and lubricating ability. Other thing about this item is hard alumite on the surface that also helps with the reliability.

With installing this product 1.85kg of weight savings. If you think about the benefit of the engine response and the increase power, I think it has a high performance for its price. Making enough safe margins even though TODA Racing is a top engine shop in the racing business, they have not only thought about just increasing the power by numbers but standing from street users point of view. Even with a small item like this you can see how TODA RACING makes things. They are also thinking of installing it on their ASM S2000 Car no.1 and no.3.

■TODA RACING Light-Weight Crank Pulley kit (for air-conditioned)¥61,950-
If you interested you can text me for the price. Thanks guys.

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